Jul 30, 2006

Snoqualmie Valley Trail

Ok, not a good hiking trail in the traditional sense, the Snoqualmie Valley Trail runs along the Snoqualmie Valley from the Pass to "past Carnation" (I'm not sure where it ends). It's a converted rail-to-trail, that serves as a great trail for biking and horses. And based on the amount of horse scat littering the trail its clear this trail gets a lot of horse traffic.

I've traversed this from a number of access points between Carnation and North Bend, and each has its own character and charm. I really like between Fall City and Snoqualmie. It runs along a ridgeline and crosses some deep crevases. To the South, great views of Snoqualmie Ridge and the Cascades. It's flat with no elevation gains (so far as I can tell), making it kid-friendly for hiking and biking.

No pictures, just a recommendation for those that are into biking and horseback riding. Not as picturesque as the Iron Horse / John Wayne trail, but not as crowded, either.

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